HABC-Highfield HACCP Level 4

Highfield HACCP Level 4 Course International | RQF Manufacturing | Catering

What will i learn?
  • Successful learner will receive Globally accepted Certificate from Highfield
  • Learners will understand how to develop,Implement and Evaluate HACCP System

Curriculum for this course
1 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
Understand Importance of HACCP
1 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours
  • study book
  • Highfield HACCP Level 3 Course Certificate is Recommended
  • Quality manager , Technical manager
  • Senior and middle level food professionals Internal Food safety auditor , Lead AuditorIndependent food consultant
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HACCP Level 4

  • This Qualification is aimed at learners who are working at management level within food manufacturing and catering environments, quality assurance staff or members of the HACCP team.
  • This qualification would also be useful for trainers, Professors,Auditors, enforcers and other food safety professionals.
  • The objective of the qualification is to provide learners with the knowledge needed to develop, implement and evaluate CODEX-based HACCP food safety procedures.

Topics covered include:

Topics covered by this qualification include:

  • the importance of CODEX based HACCP food safety management procedures
  • how to manage the implementation of CODEX based HACCP food safety management procedures
  • how to develop CODEX based HACCP food safety management procedures
  • how to evaluate CODEX based HACCP food safety management procedures

How long will it take to achieve this qualification?

The total qualification time (TQT) for this qualification is 24 hours and of this 21 hours are recommended as guided learning hours.

How is the qualification assessed?

  • For HGP Certified OR Highfield International :  This qualification is assessed by a multiple-choice questions examination that must be completed within 1.5 hours. The examination consists of 45 questions. To pass this exam, the learner has to achieve a minimum of 27 marks (60%). If a learner answers 36 or more questions correctly, a Distinction grade will be awarded.   
  • For Highfield RQF :This qualification is assessed by a written examination (Descriptive type) consisting of two sections with a combined total duration of 2.5 hours. There is a mandatory pass mark of 60% for each section.


After Successful Completion of Assessment Learners Will be Awarded with Certificate

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About the instructor
  • 7 Reviews
  • 84 Students
  • 22 Courses
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• HABC Highfield-UK Certified International Trainer for HACCP, Food Safety, Effective Audit & Inspection Courses of International & RQF Qualifications. • Food Safety Trainer (FSSAI TOT Certified) for FOSTAC - Basic and FOSTAC - Advance Catering Courses of FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India-PAN India. IRCA Certificated FSMS Internal Auditor FSSC V 5.1 LA ISO 9001 LA Director | Founder HGP Enterprise | HGP Training Center HABC-Highfield Qualifications Approved Trainer TTT Certified Trainer

·        FSSAI - Fostac Trainer

Highfield Certified Trainer 

IRCA Certificated Internal Auditor for FSMS

Consultant | Internal Auditor For

ISO 9001

FSSC 22000

ISO 22000

ISO 21001

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  • 1 Lessons
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